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The Jubilee Academy

The Jubilee Academy


Curriculum and Assessment Maps


KS4 Years 9-10

KS4 Year 11

Introduction/course overview

Welcome to the Science department. All students at The Jubilee Academy will study Science; the subject is provided for all students in Key Stage 3 and is a compulsory subject at GCSE. Science is delivered by an experience team of specialist Science teacher at The Jubilee Academy.

Student progress is regularly assessed throughout the school year. This is achieved through both formative and summative assessment. Students are provided with feedback in line with school’s policy on Teaching and Learning. This will include regular ‘4 part-marking’, as well as through peer- and self-assessment.


Year 7/8 KS3 curriculum

Our KS3 Science Syllabus organises the big ideas and topics of the programme of study into clear objectives. It outlines what your students need to know, what they must be able to apply and how to extend that knowledge where appropriate.

The syllabus is easy to use. Just like a specification, it lays out clearly the key requirements. It also covers all of the working scientifically objectives with teaching ideas that you can weave into your lessons. 

Whether you teach KS3 over two years (year 7 and year 8) or three years (year 7 to year 9), this new syllabus will give you the direction and framework that will help you make the most of KS3 and prepare students for the step up to KS4 and GCSE


Year 9/10 KS4 curriculum 
AQA for GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy


Combined Science: Trilogy (8464)

We believe that science has something to offer every student. That’s why we have a suite of science qualifications for Key Stage 4 – to suit students of all abilities and all aspirations.

The subject content and required practical’s in this specification are also in our GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics. So you have the flexibility to co-teach and to move your students between courses

GCSE Combined Science Trilogy is interesting and relevant to all types of students. We’ve ensured that:

  • The biology, chemistry and physics content is presented clearly, in a logical teaching order. We’ve also given teaching guidance and signposted opportunities for skills development throughout the specification
  • The subject content and required practicals are also in our biology, chemistry and physics GCSEs so you have the flexibility to co-teach or to move your students between courses
  • All our science qualifications provide opportunities for progression. Combined Science: Trilogy gives students the option to progress to A-levels in science or other subjects



Year 11 KS4 curriculum
 AQA for GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy

Year 11 also follow the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) course.

We believe that science has something to offer every student. That’s why we have a suite of science qualifications for Key Stage 4 – to suit students of all abilities and all aspirations.

The subject content and required practical’s in this specification are also in our GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics. So you have the flexibility to co-teach and to move your students between courses

GCSE Combined Science Trilogy is interesting and relevant to all types of students. We’ve ensured that:

  • The biology, chemistry and physics content is presented clearly, in a logical teaching order. We’ve also given teaching guidance and signposted opportunities for skills development throughout the specification
  • The subject content and required practicals are also in our biology, chemistry and physics GCSEs so you have the flexibility to co-teach or to move your students between courses
  • All our science qualifications provide opportunities for progression. Combined Science: Trilogy gives students the option to progress to A-levels in science or other subjects

There are six papers: two biology, two chemistry and two physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas

What's assessed?

Biology topics 1–4: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and response; and Bioenergetics.

Biology topics 5–7: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; and Ecology.

Chemistry topics 8–12: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; and Energy changes

Chemistry topics 13–17: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources.

Physics topics 18–21: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; and Atomic structure.

Physics topics 22–24: Forces; Waves; and Magnetism and electromagnetism

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Foundation and Higher Tier
  • 70 marks
  • 16.7% of GCSE


Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response

Unit title and description

Assessment and duration


Biology Paper 1

Biology topics 1–4

Written examination

1 hour  15 Minutes


70 Marks

Biology Paper 2

Biology topics 5–7

Written examination

1 hour  15 Minutes


70 Marks

Chemistry Paper 1

Chemistry topics 8-12

Written examination

1 hour  15 Minutes


70 Marks

Chemistry Paper 2

Chemistry topics 13-17

Written examination

1 hour  15 Minutes


70 Marks

Physics Paper 1

Physics topics 18–21

Written examination

1 hour  15 Minutes


70 Marks

Physics Paper 1

Physics topics 22–24

Written examination

1 hour  15 Minutes


70 Marks