Health & Fitness
Curriculum and Assessment Maps
The Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness is designed for learners who want an introduction to health and fitness that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the health and fitness sector or progress onto further study.
The NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness (603/7007/5) complements GCSE
qualifications. It is aimed at 14 to 16 year olds studying key stage 4 (KS4) curriculum who are interested in the health and fitness sector. This qualification is designed to match the rigour and challenge of GCSE study. The qualification is graded at level 1 pass, merit, distinction and level 2 pass, merit, distinction and distinction* (equivalent to GCSE grades 8.5 to 1).
Content areas
1. Structure and function of body systems
2. Effects of health and fitness activities on the body
3. Health and fitness and the components of fitness
4. Principles of training
5. Testing and developing components of fitness
6. Impact of lifestyle on health and fitness
7. Applying health and fitness analysis and setting goals
8. Structure of a health and fitness programme and how to prepare safely
The qualification has 2 assessments externally-set by NCFE: one non-exam assessment and one
written examined assessment.
Assessment breakdown
• 1 hour 30 minutes examined assessment
• 22 hours non-exam assessment
Non-exam assessment (NEA) - Externally-set, internally marked and externally moderated:
• synoptic project
Examined assessment (EA) - Externally-set and externally marked:
• written exam