Pupil Premium
The Jubilee Academy offers a smaller-school experience and a more personalised curriculum than is possible in a mainstream high school. We recognise our students are disadvantaged to varying degrees and face a range of social, emotional, mental health and behavioural challenges. Students face challenges such as complex family situations, social and emotional difficulties, experiences of failure and rejection. The Jubilee Academy’s vision is to ensure that every student fulfils their promise develops their potential and reaches or exceeds their age-related expectations.
The Government provides pupil premium funding which is allocated directly to the mainstream schools in additional to their main school funding.
As an Alternative Provision Trust we do not receive pupil premium directly and instead charge a fixed placement fee.
An average of between 40-60% our students have pupil premium entitlement throughout the academic year.
The Pupil Premium is a government initiative designed to target resources on those students deemed to be from a disadvantaged background. There are several categories pupil premium and the funding vary according to the category.